What About Me?
Inclusive strategies to support pupils with
attachment difficulties make it through the school day

by Louise Michelle Bombèr

ISBN 1-903269-18-0
RRP: £32.99

What would a genuinely supportive school day look like in practice, for children who have experienced attachment difficulties and developmental vulnerability? What are the core features of an attachment-friendly school? How can we promote inclusion and positively affect learning outcomes amongst pupils in need, at risk, in care & adopted?

LOUISE BOMBÈR, teacher, therapist, trainer and author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling book, 'Inside I'm Hurting' (2007), draws on her extensive experience in working with these children and young people. She takes you on a guided journey through the school day, offering innovative new strategies to help you work with these pupils as they move through each challenge, from making the transition to school in the morning, to leaving at the end of the day. The book is full of practical ideas that can be easily integrated into the busy-ness of everyday school life. Complicated methods and procedures are unnecessary - the good news is that genuine relationship will provide children and adolescents who have experienced relational traumas and losses with the core support they need. The author urges readers to take up our collective responsibility to ensure such pupils receive all they need in order to prosper, adapt and recover, so that they can live well and contribute well within our school communities and beyond. In her own words, "Let's seize the day! There is not a moment to be wasted".

"True school inclusion is like an onion: Louise's book provides layer upon layer of strategies and understanding for those practitioners who hold inclusion in their core".
Lauren Wallace Learning Mentor Co-Ordinator

The Author
Louise Michelle Bombèr is qualified as both a teacher and a therapist. She has worked with individual pupils, classes, whole school settings, teachers and support staff across both the primary and secondary phases. She provides consultations and training for education, social services and health, and in a private capacity, for children in care. Her extensive work promotes inclusion in its widest sense from making recommendations in schools through to facilitating arts projects.

A practical resource for teachers, psychologists, parents, SENCO's, support staff, educational therapists, counsellors, play therapists, Sure Start and nursery staff, governors, educational policy makers, and all involved in facilitating pupils' learning and well-being.

© Worth Publishing Ltd 2012