‘Be civil: A guide to learning civil litigation and evidence’ 3rd Edition by Virginia Dunn MA Barrister 2016 ISBN 9781903269350 RRP: £39.00 |
‘A convenient, short guide to the basic rules of civil practice and procedure, expressed in clear and direct language. It even manages the difficult feat of making its subject matter both interesting and fun.’
The Hon Sir Peter Coulson (Member of the Civil Procedure Rules Committee)
The third edition of Be Civil! reflects two important sets of amendments: those made to the Civil Procedure Rules in April 2015 and those made to the Bar’s Centrally Set Examination Syllabus and Curriculum in June 2015. With learning guides and a dedicated chapter on examination technique, this book remains an ideal text for students, especially those on the Bar Professional Training Course. Whether as introduction, overview or revision guide, it provides invaluable support to those wanting to learn about civil procedure and evidence.
• ‘Essential reading’
• ‘A godsend’
• ‘A ‘must have’ for exam preparation’
• ‘Got me through the assessment with a Very Competent’
• ‘Important parts of Sime + CPR = Be Civil!’
• ‘I thoroughly recommend it to anyone about to commence the BPTC’
The Author
Virginia Dunn has nearly 30 years’ experience teaching litigation and evidence to students training for the Bar. She is currently a Visiting Lecturer at the City Law School. She contributes to their Manuals supporting training for the Bar and is the author of the companion guide to this book, It’s Criminal!: A guide to learning criminal litigation, sentencing and evidence.
© Worth Publishing Ltd